【Information for earthquakes, tsunamis, heavy rain, typhoon, and other forecasts】
Welcome to AIRY!
1月18日(土)14:00-16:00 EIGOで話そう!先着申込
📢December 27th (Fri) Legal Consultation Session for Foreigners📢
📢December 13th (Fri) Sendai Immigration Bureau Immigration consultation session📢
Disaster prevention event for foreigners, Saturday November 30th
🌻12月27日に 法律(ほうりつ)相談会(そうだんかい)を 開催(かいさい)します!🌻 多言語(たげんご)チラシも みてください!
1月18日(土)14:00-16:00 EIGOで話そう!先着申込
場所: AIRY研修室
受講料:会員:無料 団体会員:300円 非会員:500円
人数制限 20名
The last Legal Consultation Session for Foreigners of 2024 will be held on Friday December 27th.
Please sign up for consultation if you need advice about any legal issues.
Tel: 023-646-8861
Venue: Association for International Relations in Yamagata
Yamagata City, Jonan-machi 1-1-1, Kajo Central 2F
Please refer to the flyer below for details.
The next free consultation meeting of the Sendai Immigration Bureau will be held on Friday December 13th. If you have any questions about immigration, residence status, etc., please refer to the flyer below and call to make an appointment.
Tel: 023-646-8861
Venue: Yamagata City, Jonan-machi 1-1-1, Kajo Central 2F
Association for International Relations in Yamagata
Time: December 13 (Friday) 10:00-12:00 (30 minutes per person)
Come visit the Yamagata City Natural Disaster Prevention Center and experience a simulated natural disaster.
November 30th, 2024 (Saturday)
From 10:00 to 11:30
Reservation by phone, via the QR code below or click here.
For those in need of transportation, a taxi will be provided from Kajo Central to the Natural Disaster Prevention Center.
If you want to make use of this taxi, please make note of this when you make your reservation and gather in front of the Kajo Central Post Office by 9:10 on the day of the event.
The Immigration Services Agency of Japan publishes orientation videos aimed at foreign nationals considering moving to or currently residing in Japan. The videos introduce various rules and regulations in order to allow foreign nationals to live a smooth life in Japan. Click here to watch the video on mitigating disasters.
For more information on disaster mitigation, please consult the poster below. Scan the QR code on the bottom left to view an English translation.
Scan the QR code on the bottom left of this poster for an English translation.