公益財団法人山形県国際交流協会 AIRY

English Game Room

こんにちは!Hey there!

令和6年度もEnglish Game Roomをします!

We’ll be doing English Game Room this year too!

English Game Roomは山形の皆様が集まって、欧米のボードゲームの世界を味わいながら英語を話すところです! お気軽に参加してください!

English Game Room is a place that welcomes all of the Yamagata community to come together and experience Western game culture!

お気軽にご参加ください!Feel free to join us!



Location: Association of International Relations in Yamagata Conference Room (Kajo Central 2F)

受講料:会員→無料 |団体会員:300円|一般:500円 (大人1名様あたり小・中学生2名まで無料参加OK)

Price: Members→ Free | Group Members→¥300|Non-members→¥500(2 elementary or junior high school students are free when they come with a parent)


Limit: 20 people


★Please register by April 9th. The registration will close once capacity is reached★